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Location of Sais

The competent office is the Revenue Agency.

Below you can find the addresses of the two different offices in Bologna.


► Agenzia delle Entrate - via Larga 35 – 40138 Bologna

TEL 051 6103111 – FAX 051 6103608


Opening time: from Monday to Friday 8.45-12.45 + Tuesday and Thursday also in the afternoon 14.30-16.30

Bus: 14C (direction PILASTRO)– bus stop “ENZO FERRARI”


Agenzia delle Entrate -Via Marco Polo, 60 - 40131 Bologna

TEL 051 6103000


Opening time: from Monday to Friday 8.45-12.45 + Tuesday and Thursday also in the afternoon 14.30-16.30

Bus: 11 A (direction: BERTALIA) or 11B (direction: ITC Luxemburg) - bus stop “DE GAMA”

Moreover, you can get your Codice Fiscale also at the following address:

Via Belle Arti 42   Bologna (BO)

Opening Times
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.00 - 11.15
Tuesday 9.00 - 11.15; 14.30 - 15.30
Thursday 14.30 - 15.30

N.B. Codice Fiscale can be requested everyday during the opening time, but it will be issued just on Wednesdays. Therefore, for urgent matters, Agenzia delle Entrate is faster.

Bussola Bologna - Open to the public: from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 13.00. (during high season from Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm and from 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm)
Address: Via Zamboni, 62/b - Tel. 051 254423 - Fax. 051 251640 - email