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Location of Sais

Fondo affitto 2021

Region Emilia-Romagna launched a new call to supports tenants with a difficult financial situation.

To get more information, please click here.


Fiduciary isolation

Fiduciary isolation cannot be in a shared flat, otherwise tenants must self-isolate too.

Self- solation is not on house landlords.



COVID-19 prevention measures

We remind to all the users to follow the prevention measures against COVID-19, among others, wearing a mask, washing your hands and maintain the distance, also during apartments' view.


Informazioni per i locatori sulla riduzione IMU

Ad integrazione di quanto riportato sul sito del comune di Bologna, la riduzione dell'IMU al 75% è valida solo per i contratti a canone concordato con locazione totale dell'immobile, non parziale.


Office closed

The office SAIS/Bussola will be closed from 6th to 25th of August.
The staff is available through online services.


Opening times

From July, 6th SAIS office opens from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. , from Monday to Friday.

Show elements
Bussola Bologna - Open to the public: from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 13.00. (during high season from Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm and from 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm)
Address: Via Zamboni, 62/b - Tel. 051 254423 - Fax. 051 251640 - email